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Original Contributions
Peer Reviewed
Stilma W, Åkerman E, Artigas A, et al. Awake Proning as an Adjunctive Therapy for Refractory Hypoxemia in Non-Intubated Patients with COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Failure: Guidance from an International Group of Healthcare Workers [published online ahead of print, 2021 Mar 11]. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2021.
Tracy MF, Oerther S, Arslanian-Engoren C, Girouard S, Minarik P, Patrician P, Vollman K, Sanders N, McCausland M, Antai-Otong D, & Talsma A. Improving the care and health of populations through optimal use of clinical nurse specialists. Nurs Outlook, 2020; 68(4): 523-527.
Black JM, Salsbury S, Vollman KM. Changing the Perceptions of a Culture of Safety for the Patient and the Caregiver. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly. 2018 July-September: 41(4): 226-239.
Marshall JC, Bosco L, Adhikari NK, Connolly B, Diaz JV, Dorman T, Fowler RA, Meyfroidt G, Nakagawa S, Pelosi P, Vincent JL, Vollman K, Zimmerman J. What is an intensive care unit? A report of the task force of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. J Crit Care. 2017 Feb;37:270-276.
American Academy of Nursing: Improving health and health care systems with advance practice registered nurse practice in acute and critical care settings. Nursing Outlook, 2014;62(5):366-70 (Collaborators 7)
Vollman KM. Interventional patient hygiene: Discussion of the issues and a proposed model for implementation of the nursing care basics. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing. Oct 2013 2013;29(5):250-255.
Vollman KM. Bathing the adult patient, AACN Practice Alert, 2013.
Vollman KM, Understanding critically ill patients hemodynamic response to mobilization using the evidence to make It safe and feasible. Crit Care Nurs Q, 2013;36(1):17–27.
Vollman KM. Hemodynamic instability: is it really a barrier to turning critically ill patients. Crit Care Nurse. 2012 Feb;32(1):70-5.
Bassett RD, Vollman KM, Brandwene L, Murray T. Integrating a multidisciplinary mobility programme into intensive care practice (IMMPTP): A multicenter collaborative. Intensive & Crit Care Nurs, 2012; 2012 Apr;28(2):88-97.
Vollman KM. Introduction to progressive mobility. Crit Care Nurse, 2010;30(2):S3-5.
Vollman KM. Back to the fundamentals of care: Why now, why us.(ed) Australian Critical Care 2009; 22: 152-154
Vollman KM. Back to the basics: good nursing care saves lives. MINERVA ANESTESIOL, 2009;75 (Suppl. 1 to No. 7-8):751-4
Rauen CA, Chulay M, Bridges E, Vollman KM, Arbour R. Seven evidence-based practice habits: Putting some sacred cows out to pasture. Critical Care Nurse, 2008;28(2):98-124.
Posa PJ, Harrison D, Vollman KM. Elimination of Catheter Related BSI-Application of the Evidence. AACN NTI News, 2007 online. (Reprinted as a CEU article from AACN Advanced Critical Care)
Posa PJ, Harrison D, Vollman KM. Elimination of Catheter Related BSI-Application of the Evidence. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 2006;17(4):446-454.
Vollman KM, Posa PJ. Critical care nurses: Key leaders in Improving Outcomes and Process. Critical Connections, 2006;5(3):13
Vollman K. Oral hygiene for the intubated patient. Crit Care Nurse. 2006;26(4):54
Vollman KM, Garcia R, Miller L. Interventional patient hygiene: Proactive (hygiene) strategies to improve patient outcomes. AACN News, Aug 2005;22(8):1-8
Vollman KM. Enhancing presentation skills for the advanced practice nurse. AACN Clin Issues. 200516(1):67-77.
Consensus Conference on sedation assessment: A collaborative venture by Abott Laboratories, American Association of Critical Care Nurses. Critical Care Nurse, 2004;24(2):33-41
Vollman KM. Nurse Entrepreneurship: Taking an invention from birth to the marketplace. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 2004;8(2):68-71
Vollman KM. The right position at the right time: Mobility makes a difference. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 2004;20(4):179-182
Ahrens T, Vollman K. Severe Sepsis management: Are we doing enough? Critical Care Nurse, 2003;23(5 Suppl):2-15
Creechan T, Vollman K, Kravutske ME. Cooling by convection vs. cooling by conduction for treatment of fevers in critically ill adults. Am J of Crit Care. 2001;10(1):52-59.
Vollman KM. Practical guidelines for prone positioning of the acutely ill patient. Critical Care Nurse, 2001;21(4):84-86.
Vollman K, Sprung P, Posa S, Ladin D, Kachhal SK. Strategies for reducing material costs through implementation of clinical guidelines. J Soc Health Syst. 1998, 5(4):69-73.
Vollman, KM. Prone positioning for the ARDS patient. DCCN. 1997;16(4):184-193.
Basham KR, Vollman KM, Miller A. To everything turn turn turn: An overview of continuous lateral rotation therapy. Resp Care Clin N Am. 1997;3(1):109-134.
Tymec AC, Pieper B, Vollman KM. A comparison of two pressure-relieving devices on the prevention of heel pressure ulcers. Adv Wound Care. 1997;10(1):39-44.
Vollman KM, Bander, JJ. Improved oxygenation utilizing a prone positioner in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Intensive Care Med. 1996;22(10):1105-1111.
Vollman KM, Stewart KH. Can we afford not to have a clinical nurse specialist?. AACN Clin Issues. 1996;7(2):315-323.
Basham KR., Vollman KM., & Harris EL. Continuous lateral rotation therapy: When it is right for your patient. AJN; June 1995:3-14 (suppl)
Non-Peer Reviewed
Rauen CA, Vollman KM, Arbour R, Chulay M. Challenging nursing’s sacred cows. American Nurse Today, 2008;3(4):23-26.
Vollman KM. Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and Pressure Ulcer Prevention as Targets for Quality Improvement in the ICU. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 2006;18:453-467
Vollman KM. Prone Positioning in the ARDS Patient: The Art & Science. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 2004;16(3):319-336.
Vollman KM. My search to help patients breathe. Reflections. 1999;25(2):16-18
Vollman, KM. ARDS: Mediators on the run. Crit Care Nurs Clin of North Am. 1994;6(2):341-358.
Vollman KM. To turn or not to turn: Base the decision on research. Perspectives in Respiratory Nursing, 1991;2(5):1,3-6.
Schauerte, D., Graham, L., Truesdell, S., & Vollman, K. 1990 Standards of Care: Framework for Development. Nursing News, Henry Ford Hospital, 14 (1), p.8.
Vollman KM, Sole ML, Quinn B. Endotracheal Tube Care and Oral Care Practices for Ventilated and Non- Ventilated Patients. In Wiegand DL. (ed): AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (7th ed). St Louis, Elsevier, 2017, 32-39.
Vollman KM, Dickinson S, Powers J. Pronation therapy. In Wiegand DL. (ed): AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (7th ed). St Louis, Elsevier, 2017, 142-163.
Vollman KM, O’Brien D, Lewis C. Creating a Job Description. In Duffy M, Dresser S, Fulton, J.: Clinical Nurse Specialist Toolkit: A Guide for the New Clinical Nurse Specialist (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing Company, New York, 2016, 13-22.
Vollman KM. Clinical Nurse Specialist Entrepreneurship: A Journey from Idea to Invention, Leading to Consulting/Education Business (Chapter 31). In Fulton JS, Lyon BL, Goudreau K.: Foundations of Clinical Nurse Specialist Practice (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing Company, New York, 2014, 403-409.
Vollman KM. Pressure Ulcer Evaluation, Prevention and Treatment Encyclopedia of Intensive Care Medicine. In: Vincent J-L, Hall JB, eds: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2012:1839-1846.
Vollman KM, Sole ML. Endotracheal Tube and Oral Care. In Lynn-McHale Wiegand DL (ed): AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (6th ed). Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2010, 28-33
Vollman KM, Powers J. Manual pronation therapy. In Lynn-McHale Wiegand D. (ed): AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (6th ed). Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2010, 108-120.
Vollman KM. Clinical Nurse Specialist Entrepreneurship: A Journey from Idea to Invention (Chapter 31). In Fulton JS, Lyon BL, Goudreau K.: Foundations of Clinical Nurse Specialist Practice. Springer Publishing Company, New York, 2010, 379-382.
Vollman KM, O’Brien D, Lewis C. Creating a Job Description. In Duffy M, Dresser S, Fulton, J.: Clinical Nurse Specialist Toolkit: A Guide for the New Clinical Nurse Specialist. Springer Publishing Company, New York, 2009, 13-22.
Vollman KM. Acute respiratory distress syndrome & positioning for optimal pulmonary function. In Schell HM, Puntillo KA.: Critical Care Nursing Secrets.(2nd ed) Philadelphia, Hanley & Belfus, inc., 2006, 273-283, 341-358.
Vollman KM, Sole ML. Endotracheal Tube and Oral Care. In Lynn-McHale DL, Carlson KK. (eds): AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (5th ed). Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2005, 28-33
Vollman KM. Manual pronation therapy. In Lynn-McHale DL, Carlson KK. (eds): AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (5th ed). Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2005, 108-120.
Vollman KM. Acute respiratory distress syndrome & positioning for optimal pulmonary function. In Schell HM, Puntillo KA.: Critical Care Nursing Secrets. Philadelphia, Hanley & Belfus, inc., 2001, 175-184.
Vollman KM. Manual pronation therapy. In Lynn-McHale DL, Carlson KK. (eds): AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care (4th ed). Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2001, 83-94.
Vollman KM, Aulbach RK. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. In Kinney MG, Dunbar SB, Brooks-Brunn J A, Molter N & Vitello-Cicciu JM.(eds):AACN Clinical Reference for Critical Care Nursing (4th ed). St. Louis, Mosby, 1998, 529-564.
Bassett, R., Vollman, K.M., Brandwene, L., Murray, T., Integrating a multidisciplinary mobility programme into intensive care practice (IMMPTP): A multicenter collaborative. 45th Annual WIN Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Portland, OR, April 18-21, 2012.
L.Lineweaver, L. Hayes, J. Stiesmeyer, L.McCede, K. Vollman. Bugs be gone: identify potential source of HAIs, the basin. Poster Presented at Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Orlando, FL, December 2007.
Hoekwater J, Wideman J, Harpootlian S, et al (#4). Implementation of CDC guidelines for central venous catheters (CVC) result in lower catheter-related bloodstream infections (CR-BSI). Amer J of Resp and Crit Care. 2001 Abs.
Asmi A, Sharma G, Villanueva F, et al (#5). Implementation of a ventilator pathway decreases length of mechanical ventilation in COPD patients with acute respiratory failure. Amer J of Respir and Crit Care Med. 2000;161(3):A238.
Dowling C, Creechan T, Vollman K, et al. Recalled perceptions of patients under neuromuscular blockade with varying amounts of sedation. Am J Crit Care. 1996;5(3):240.
Louis D, Vollman K, Trygar-Artinian N. Description of factors influencing turning of the critically ill patient. Am J Crit Care. 1996;5(3):244.
Vollman, K., Bander, J.. Improvement in Oxygenation in Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) Utilizing a Prone Positioner. Heart & Lung, 1990;19(3):313.
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